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Сообщение Axel » 06 апр 2009 16:57

Statute of forum Modern Talking Club

1. You must be mutually polite, you must respect each other and respect opinion others, regardless of your's or someone's else's world view (so it was gotten that the fans of Modern Talking are parted on two camps but it does not mean to write groundless assertions about somebody or about anything).
2. There are accessible media files (video, audio) for the free download for all registered users on forum . But against leeches (who comes only for download and don't put nothing in exchange) approvals will be applied: at first is a fine (3 fines = 3 days of ban, 4 fines = 7 days of ban), farther it will be lifelong ban on Your IP. It is not necessary to put something on forum, it is enough to support contact on a forum, express the opinion about a favourite group and its participants
3. All links on media must be hidden - you may use a special button "HIDE" when you make messages - because you don't want that forum will be closed, don't you?
4. Taverna ака "флудильня", section for free contact, but it is not advisable to abuse it. Forum is not a chat
5. If you have an offer to forum and an ideas to perfect it (needing to create the new section, something update, etc.) don't scruple - write to administration
6. There are not interesting for you topics? Create!
7. Administration makes a decision coming from rules, but mostly coming from concrete situation. Administration is loyal to all and never will limit the user on the personal reason (we don't reconverge in opinions? Well so truth gives birth in a spore!).
8. Moderators are contained the fiduciary they sections of forum. If was be appeared the point of controversy with moderator, for it's decisions necessary to connect with administration. Remember that moderators are such users as You, only they have undertaken the non-payable labour (however either as administration ::biggrin24.gif:: ) that You to feel a comfort on forum and it is not necessary to steal through tons of floud
9. It Is Forbidden put the links (in signature, messages on forum, in LS, avatars, etc.) to sites containing insults to address of this forum and its users
10. All messages recognized by Administration or moderators of forum as irrelevant to topic are delete without warning.

P.S. For translation on english thanks to Jeine

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